Carl Vitzthum


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I am a motivated software developer seeking to expand my technical skill set and work on interesting projects. I love collaborative workplaces and have experience leading development on small interdisciplinary teams.

I have extensive experience using Python for web applications, APIs, bioinformatics tools, and production packaging. I strive for well-tested and elegant code. I am adept at developing and managing DevOps on AWS cloud infrastructure.

I graduated summa cum laude from Colby College in 2016 with a degree in computational biology. Immediately afterwards, I started working in the Park Lab at Harvard Medical School. While there, I fully transitioned from science to software and haven’t looked back. I also earned a Graduate Certificate in Data Science from the Harvard Extension school.


Coming soon! See my GitHub page in the meantime.

Work Experience

For the past 3.5 years, I have worked on the 4DN-DCIC team in the Park Lab at Harvard Medical School. Over my time there, I was promoted multiple times and tasked with leading back-end development and DevOps for the team. Please see my resume for more details.

Before working at Harvard, I was a Research Fellow at the competitive Summer Student Program at the Jackson Laboratory in Bar Harbor, ME (2015). There I worked on identifying enriched variants associated with Alzheimer’s disease. As part of my project, I adapted a web application to view these variants.

In college, I graded and tutored for the introductory computer science course at Colby College (2014 - 2016). I was also a research assistant for a concussion diagnosis project at Colby (2012 - 2014). Before that, I spent summers working as a molecular biology research assistant at Norwich University (2011 - 2013).


I have accumulated a number of co-authorships on peer-reviewed publications over my years in academia. Topics include software engineering, bioinformatics, and molecular biology.

Personal Interests

Outside of the workplace, I am an avid Ultimate Frisbee player. I have played since high school and most recently co-captained a team that won 1st place in the Fall 2019 BUDA tournament.

I am also interested in fitness and weight lifting. The intersection of software and these topics appeals to me, and some day I hope to apply my engineering and data science knowledge to help people optimize the way they approach fitness and health.

Board games and strategy video games are also a passion of mine, so on the side I spend time playing and designing those. I am a formidable opponent in Settlers of Catan or Dominion. I also anticipate spending a lot of time on the remastered Warcraft III: Reforged when it comes out.